Following the success of his run on Supreme, acclaimed comics writer ALAN MOORE was given the opportunity to write a mini-series featuring ROB LIEFELD's entire super-hero universe. The results were just as unpredictable and ingenious as his writing on his landmark work, Watchmen. Collects Judgment Day Alpha, Omega, Final Judgment, Youngblood Prologue, and Aftermath, originally published by Awesome Comics. Very Good Condition from a private collection. 1st Print, RARE.


  • Artist/Writer: Keith Giffen, Tanya Horie, Joe Weems, Jim Starlin, Awesome Colors, Terry Dodson, Dan Jurgens, Rob Liefeld, Bill Wray, Jon Sibal, Stephen Platt, Rachel Dodson, Donald Skinner, Rick Veitch, Adam Pollina, Jeff Johnson, Alan Moore, Brett Evans, Alan Weiss, I.H.O.C., Lary Stucker, Cedric Nocon, Chris Sprouse, Quantum Color Fx, Al Gordon, Marlo Alquiza, Gil Kane, Ian Churchill, Dan Panosian, Norm Rapmund, Andy Troy, Ron Rife, Richard Horie, Marat Mychaels, Steve Skroce, Jimmy Yu
  • Character: Troll, Leanna Creel, Sgt. Baron, Mikey Graves, Johnny Flagg, John Prophet, Deliverance Drue (Death), Jeff Terrell, Rubble, Lisa Richards, Futuregirl, Zantar, Dr. Conqueror (Dr. Daniel "Blacky" Conqueror), Chapel, Charade, Thomas John Mccall, Storybook Smith, SuperPatriot, Rachel Richards, Rex Richards, Dino-Man, Demeter, The Winter Knight, The Winter Knight (Sir Giles Devere), Alexander Graves, Lamprey (Introduction), Skipper (Toby King), Magman Villain, Taylor Kendall, Dragon, Nighteagle, John Paneczik, Knightsabre, Vogue, Badrock, Shona Shane (Prosecutor, Formerly Lady Day), Seoul, Ryan Orsini, Big Brother (Introduction), Mikey Tombs, Waxey Doyle, Riptide, Thomas Runningbear Jr., Sentinel, Hermes, Cougar, Kurr, Johnny Panic, Zantar (Charles Conqueror), Roman, Radar, the Hound Supreme, Reign, Gil Kane, Kid Thunder (Judd Langston), Frost-Wyrm, The Fisherman (Bryce Bristow), Sally Crane, Vivienne, The Brimstone Kid, Giganthro, Task, Bram, Leonard Doyle, Boy Achilles, Twilight, Introduction, The Fisherman, Young Bill Hickok, Supreme, DASH, Toby King (Defense Attorney, Formerly Skipper), Maximage (Lori Saunders), Shaft, Big Brother, Marcus Langston, Nighteagle (in Spirit Form), Suprema, Linda Kendall, Doc Rocket (Introduction), Eliza Smith, Knightsabre (On Trial), Kodiak, Daniel Tsuchida, DieHard, Combat, Jason Drew, Magnar Teufelsun, Johnny Armstrong, Gloriana Demeter, The Maximage (Lori Saunders), Merlin, Doc Rocket, Professor Night, Glory, Calvin Raines, Sir Edward Conqueror, Dr. Daniel “Blacky” Conqueror, Roy Roman, Nikola Voganova, Derrick Rowland, Adam Booth, Captain Compass (The Black Corsair, in Flashback), Major Blake Baron, Bartholomew J. Troll, Riptide (Death in Flashback), Ethan Crane, Futurewoman, Charade (Disguised As Exit), Spacehunter, Kid Thunder, Johnny Panic (Introduction), Fighting American, Stormhead (Antagonist, Introduction), Witch Wench, Horace Benson, Leanna Creel (Death in Flashback), Deliverance Drue, Bruce Stinson, Byrd, Phantom Aviator, Giganthro (Origin, Joins League of Infinity), Lily Lee, Nightingale, Zayla Zarn
  • Cover Artist: Dan Panosian, Rob Liefeld, Dave Gibbons
  • Era: Modern Age (1992-Now)
  • Features: First Printing
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Genre: Western, Superheroes, Jungle, Fantasy, War, Adventure, Historical
  • Language: English
  • Publication Year: 2003
  • Publisher: Checker Book Publishing Group
  • Series Title: Judgment Day
  • Style: Color
  • Tradition: US Comics
  • Type: Graphic Novel