Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Pain PHNI-EN054 - 1st Edition - Super Rare - Near Mint! If multiple cards are purchased in the same order, any extra shipping cost will be refunded **unless the value or amount of cards changes the mailing cost of the order**. In that case, the shipping amount refunded will be decided based on the size of the order. Thank you
- Age Level: 6+
- Autographed: No
- Card Name: Nightmare Pain
- Card Number: PHNI-EN054
- Card Type: Spell-Continuous
- Creature/Monster Type: Nightmare
- Features: 1st Edition
- Finish: Holo
- Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
- Language: English
- Manufacturer: Konami
- Rarity: Super Rare
- Set: Phantom Nightmare
- Year Manufactured: 2024